Prinsip dalam Pemetaan Bisnis Proses
Hal pertama yang dilakukan dalam membuat peta bisnis proses adalah melakukan identifikasi aktivitas. Identifikasi aktivitas dimulai dari identifikasi proses utama. Proses utama yang dimaksud...
Hal pertama yang dilakukan dalam membuat peta bisnis proses adalah melakukan identifikasi aktivitas. Identifikasi aktivitas dimulai dari identifikasi proses utama. Proses utama yang dimaksud...
Published: 16-05-2016
Duration: 5:13
Definition: hd
View: 1296
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Duration: 5:13
Definition: hd
View: 1296
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Comment: 0
Pelatihan Sales Planning & Management, Pelatihan Sales Planning Process,Strategi Penjualan sales planning definition, perencanaan penjualan produk, perencanaan penjualan, menyusun target penjualan, menentukan... sales planning definition, perencanaan penjualan produk, perencanaan penjualan, menyusun target penjualan, menentukan...
Published: 22-06-2015
Duration: 1:6
Definition: hd
View: 364
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Duration: 1:6
Definition: hd
View: 364
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Comment: 0
Video Standar Salam & Pelayanan di Alfamart
Standar Salam di minimarket Alfamart, bagi yg berkecimpung di bisnis retail yg mengandalkan pelayanan, silakan dicontoh & modifikasi sesuai kebutuhan.
Standar Salam di minimarket Alfamart, bagi yg berkecimpung di bisnis retail yg mengandalkan pelayanan, silakan dicontoh & modifikasi sesuai kebutuhan.
Published: 24-04-2014
Duration: 2:46
Definition: sd
View: 125956
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Comment: 63
Duration: 2:46
Definition: sd
View: 125956
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Comment: 63
Menindaklanjuti Hasil Audit Petral
AUDIT forensik terhadap Pertamina Energy Trading Limited atau Petral menguatkan dugaan selama ini bahwa ada kongkalikong di dalamnya. Permufakatan jahat itu telah diungkap dan kini giliran...
AUDIT forensik terhadap Pertamina Energy Trading Limited atau Petral menguatkan dugaan selama ini bahwa ada kongkalikong di dalamnya. Permufakatan jahat itu telah diungkap dan kini giliran...
Published: 11-11-2015
Duration: 4:30
Definition: sd
View: 178
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Comment: 0
Duration: 4:30
Definition: sd
View: 178
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Comment: 0
Sistem Penjualan Kredit PT Columbindo Perdana (T. SIA 3EB25)
Nama Kelompok Teknologi SIA 3EB25: 1. Ajeng Setia Ningrum 2. Sintia Kurniawati 3. Tarsudin Dosen : Daniel Damaris Penjelasan dari Sistem Penjualan Kredit PT Columbindo Perdana 1. Profil...
Nama Kelompok Teknologi SIA 3EB25: 1. Ajeng Setia Ningrum 2. Sintia Kurniawati 3. Tarsudin Dosen : Daniel Damaris Penjelasan dari Sistem Penjualan Kredit PT Columbindo Perdana 1. Profil...
Published: 27-11-2016
Duration: 3:41
Definition: sd
View: 451
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Comment: 0
Duration: 3:41
Definition: sd
View: 451
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Comment: 0
SCP-668 13 Inch Chef's Knife | Object Class: Euclid | mind-affecting SCP |
Read along with me! â§Read along: Help me out on Patreon! â½Patreonâ½
Read along with me! â§Read along: Help me out on Patreon! â½Patreonâ½
Published: 26-10-2015
Duration: 12:58
Definition: hd
View: 41301
Like: 535
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Comment: 109
Duration: 12:58
Definition: hd
View: 41301
Like: 535
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 109
Presentasi Power Point - Contoh Presentasi Seminar Proposal & Presentasi Ujian Skripsi
langkah langkah membuat presentasi seminar proposal presentasi powerpoint yang keren seminar proposal menggunakan power poin presentasi powerpoint skripsi poin penting membuat power point seminar...
langkah langkah membuat presentasi seminar proposal presentasi powerpoint yang keren seminar proposal menggunakan power poin presentasi powerpoint skripsi poin penting membuat power point seminar...
Published: 23-12-2016
Duration: 3:7
Definition: hd
View: 19595
Like: 11
Dislike: 5
Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
Duration: 3:7
Definition: hd
View: 19595
Like: 11
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 0
PANAS!!! Persaingan Tak Terduga! Jokowi vs PDIP Soal Pembubaran atau Pembekuan KPK
PANAS!!! Persaingan Tak Terduga! Jokowi vs PDIP Soal Pembubaran atau Pembekuan KPK Staf Khusus Presiden Bidang Komunikasi Johan Budi Saptopribowo menegaskan bahwa pernyataan Presiden Joko...
PANAS!!! Persaingan Tak Terduga! Jokowi vs PDIP Soal Pembubaran atau Pembekuan KPK Staf Khusus Presiden Bidang Komunikasi Johan Budi Saptopribowo menegaskan bahwa pernyataan Presiden Joko...
Published: 11-09-2017
Duration: 3:12
Definition: hd
View: 30
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Comment: 1
Duration: 3:12
Definition: hd
View: 30
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Comment: 1
A Matter of Logic / Bring on the Angels / The Stronger
The Stronger (Swedish: Den starkare) is a famous 1889 play by August Strindberg. The play is quite short, consisting of only one scene that can be performed in approximately 10 minutes. The...
The Stronger (Swedish: Den starkare) is a famous 1889 play by August Strindberg. The play is quite short, consisting of only one scene that can be performed in approximately 10 minutes. The...
Published: 31-12-2012
Duration: 1:30:33
Definition: sd
View: 170163
Like: 116
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 19
Duration: 1:30:33
Definition: sd
View: 170163
Like: 116
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Comment: 19
The Great Gildersleeve: Jolly Boys Election / Marjorie's Shower / Gildy's Blade
Premiering on August 31, 1941, The Great Gildersleeve moved the title character from the McGees' Wistful Vista to Summerfield, where Gildersleeve now oversaw his late brother-in-law's estate...
Premiering on August 31, 1941, The Great Gildersleeve moved the title character from the McGees' Wistful Vista to Summerfield, where Gildersleeve now oversaw his late brother-in-law's estate...
Published: 08-10-2012
Duration: 1:29:30
Definition: sd
View: 119445
Like: 34
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 9
Duration: 1:29:30
Definition: sd
View: 119445
Like: 34
Dislike: 56
Favorite: 0
Comment: 9
Published: 08-10-2015
Duration: 51:8
Definition: hd
View: 66796
Favorite: 0
Comment: 33
Duration: 51:8
Definition: hd
View: 66796
Favorite: 0
Comment: 33
Introduction to Amazon Web Services by Leo Zhadanovsky
Learn about cloud computing with Amazon Web Services. During this talk, we will discuss the various Networking, Compute, Database, Storage, Application, Deployment and Management services that...
Learn about cloud computing with Amazon Web Services. During this talk, we will discuss the various Networking, Compute, Database, Storage, Application, Deployment and Management services that...
Published: 06-11-2014
Duration: 49:45
Definition: hd
View: 5182
Favorite: 0
Duration: 49:45
Definition: hd
View: 5182
Favorite: 0
You Bet Your Life: Secret Word - Car / Clock / Name
Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx (October 2, 1890 -- August 19, 1977) was an American comedian and film and television star. He is known as a master of quick wit and widely considered one of the...
Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx (October 2, 1890 -- August 19, 1977) was an American comedian and film and television star. He is known as a master of quick wit and widely considered one of the...
Published: 11-12-2012
Duration: 1:26:17
Definition: sd
View: 76960
Like: 47
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Comment: 6
Duration: 1:26:17
Definition: sd
View: 76960
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Comment: 6
Roswell Incident: Department of Defense Interviews - Gerald Anderson / Glenn Dennis
A first-hand account from Gerald Anderson similarly offered descriptions that seemingly matched dummies: "thought they were plastic dolls," he said. More on Roswell:
A first-hand account from Gerald Anderson similarly offered descriptions that seemingly matched dummies: "thought they were plastic dolls," he said. More on Roswell:
Published: 27-08-2012
Duration: 1:26:48
Definition: sd
View: 94460
Like: 60
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Comment: 22
Duration: 1:26:48
Definition: sd
View: 94460
Like: 60
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 22
Exposing the Secrets of the CIA: Agents, Experiments, Service, Missions, Operations, Weapons, Army
Allan James Francovich (March 23, 1941 â" April 24, 1997) was an American maker of investigative films, including documentaries on CIA covert operations and the Lockerbie disaster. More: https://w...
Allan James Francovich (March 23, 1941 â" April 24, 1997) was an American maker of investigative films, including documentaries on CIA covert operations and the Lockerbie disaster. More: https://w...
Published: 14-06-2012
Duration: 55:50
Definition: sd
View: 164103
Like: 171
Dislike: 51
Favorite: 0
Comment: 77
Duration: 55:50
Definition: sd
View: 164103
Like: 171
Dislike: 51
Favorite: 0
Comment: 77
Published: 02-09-2016
Duration: 1:15:7
Definition: hd
View: 16799
Favorite: 0
Comment: 7
Duration: 1:15:7
Definition: hd
View: 16799
Favorite: 0
Comment: 7
Political Documentary Filmmaker in Cold War America: Emile de Antonio Interview
Emile Francisco de Antonio (May 14, 1919 -- December 16, 1989) was an American director and producer of documentary films, usually detailing political or social events circa 1960s--1980s. About...
Emile Francisco de Antonio (May 14, 1919 -- December 16, 1989) was an American director and producer of documentary films, usually detailing political or social events circa 1960s--1980s. About...
Published: 02-07-2012
Duration: 1:19:53
Definition: sd
View: 73563
Like: 70
Dislike: 26
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Comment: 6
Duration: 1:19:53
Definition: sd
View: 73563
Like: 70
Dislike: 26
Favorite: 0
Comment: 6
Political Figures, Lawyers, Politicians, Journalists, Social Activists (1950s Interviews)
Interviewees: Harold Himmel Velde, United States political figure Hugh D. Scott, Jr., American lawyer and politician John V. Beamer, U.S. Representative from Indiana Orland K. Armstrong, Republican...
Interviewees: Harold Himmel Velde, United States political figure Hugh D. Scott, Jr., American lawyer and politician John V. Beamer, U.S. Representative from Indiana Orland K. Armstrong, Republican...
Published: 05-10-2012
Duration: 1:40:46
Definition: sd
View: 50316
Like: 79
Dislike: 31
Favorite: 0
Comment: 12
Duration: 1:40:46
Definition: sd
View: 50316
Like: 79
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 12
The Great Gildersleeve: Christmas Eve Program / New Year's Eve / Gildy Is Sued
The Great Gildersleeve (1941--1957), initially written by Leonard Lewis Levinson, was one of broadcast history's earliest spin-off programs. Built around Throckmorton Philharmonic Gildersleeve,...
The Great Gildersleeve (1941--1957), initially written by Leonard Lewis Levinson, was one of broadcast history's earliest spin-off programs. Built around Throckmorton Philharmonic Gildersleeve,...
Published: 23-09-2012
Duration: 1:22:11
Definition: sd
View: 138068
Like: 130
Dislike: 43
Favorite: 0
Comment: 11
Duration: 1:22:11
Definition: sd
View: 138068
Like: 130
Dislike: 43
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Comment: 11
Our Miss Brooks: Deacon Jones / Bye Bye / Planning a Trip to Europe / Non-Fraternization Policy
Our Miss Brooks is an American situation comedy starring Eve Arden as a sardonic high school English teacher. It began as a radio show broadcast from 1948 to 1957. When the show was adapted...
Our Miss Brooks is an American situation comedy starring Eve Arden as a sardonic high school English teacher. It began as a radio show broadcast from 1948 to 1957. When the show was adapted...
Published: 31-10-2012
Duration: 1:53:17
Definition: sd
View: 49072
Like: 58
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Comment: 13
Duration: 1:53:17
Definition: sd
View: 49072
Like: 58
Dislike: 30
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Comment: 13
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